Le Petit Blog
How To Make The Honeymoon Phase Last Forever

It’s not always easy to make generic assumptions about relationships or subject them to scientific evaluation. Although there are ways in which science can explain to some extent how relationships work, since it’s a matter of human psychology after all, no one will provide you a universally applicable, clear, unambiguous answer to your heart’s troubles. Every relationship is different, just as every person on this planet is unique.
There’s a confirmed research study, that you’ve probably heard about, that honeymoon phase lasts for about two years before you finally dive into deep peaceful, still waters. And this applies to every relationship over two years, whether it’s been blessed with marital union or not, there’s a fine line between staring at each other's eyes for hours and staring at the TV for hours.
The main thing is that whatever you’re doing, you’re doing it together. Because you can actually rewind and relive your happiest moments and make them last longer. Here’s a little insight on where to begin.
One compliment goes long way. Maybe you feel neglected because saying nice things to each other, or stating the obvious (I’m attracted to you) has become superfluous. This is important to remember. Many words will become silent and you will maybe express those feelings through gestures. Learn to read them, pay attention to details. Sometimes one person or the other requires validation through words and needs to hear them otherwise they won’t know you mean them. Say something nice to each other every day.
Just Because
Remember this, because this will make your relationship special and fulfilled for as long as it lasts. Don’t wait for special occasions. Don’t wait for birthdays, don’t wait for anniversaries, name days, holidays or whatever it is that you celebrate every year on exact same date. By all means, keep them, but once a while, throw in a just because occasion. A gift, a nice dinner, a love letter, a massage whatever comes to mind, it will be very appreciated. Also ladies, sexy lingerie and a nice perfume are always good choices – seduction game is a classic for a reason. Bear in mind that what men want basically is to know that you made the effort to dress nicely for day. They notice, believe me. This is individual, and it’s not about being or doing something you don’t feel like, the point is doing something, that you don’t do often. A surprise effect. A pleasant surprise that is.
Recreate memories
Don’t replicate them, just recreate the atmosphere, the detail that you remember, a certain smell, a meal you’ve had or even a joke, anything that made it yours and yours only. You can make up your own relationship leitmotif, something that will carry you on your way together and always remind you of each other.
Spend some time alone
If you want to be good together, you have to be good by yourself. So, there are two main points to this premise. First, in order to truly be with someone you have to be able to be with yourself first. The second point is to spend some time apart, enough to miss each other. Just find your balance, you don’t have to be separated for too long, just engage in different activities individually. Cherish your me time, find time for yourself, and wait for the butterflies in the stomach.
So yes, maybe there is an expiration date to the honeymoon phase, but don’t let yourself be naive as to what that phrase really is. It’s just natural and new and exciting and when that feeling wears off, it becomes familiar and you find yourself craving for something new and exciting again. It’s how your brain works, it’s normal. You can make your relationship new and exhilarating for yourself if you just scratch beneath that basic instinct and make your own way instead. Together.
About the author:
Roxana is a travel enthusiast and lifestyle consultant from Sydney and she loves to write about her adventures. She is all about the healthy lifestyle, loves to run with her husband and dogs and has fun cooking exotic meals for her family. Being a typical Aussie, she often hits the waves and loves beaches and sunshine! You can find out more about her writing following her on twitter and facebook. She is also one of the editors at Higstylife Magazine.
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3 finishing touches for the perfect wedding
In the midst of wedding planning, it's so easy for details to slip through the cracks. Some can be compromised, but certain things call for your attention. We've picked our 5 details below that will elevate the overall aesthetic of your wedding with minimal effort, and are must dos on your planning checklist! And the best part is, you can totally do this on a budget!
01. A unique cake topper
You've spent all that time rushing to tasting appointments, painstakingly choosing just the right flavor and ingredients and carefully crafted the final look. The cake of your dreams is absolutely perfect, short for one thing - how to top off something so beautiful? Picking the right cake topper and make or break your gorgeous creation, and nothing beats a customized topper that unique and speaks to you as a couple!
02. Personalized glasses
What better way to let your most special guests know just how important they are to you than personalized items? Wine glasses are the perfect blank canvas to add that special touch, and look gorgeous on any table.
03. Favors to delight
You know you love walking away with precious little somethings at the end of weddings, so make sure your own are up to par! Look for small ways to add your personal signature like charms, or package them in a way friends and family will know it's from you. Favors are the quintessential way for guests to have a little piece of your day, so make sure it reflects you!
As you go through your wedding planning there will be hundreds of things wanting your attention - the key to successfully executing your vision is picking what's important to you and your overall aesthetic and not to stress about the rest.
The 3 items above are definitely on our list of things deserving time and attention; what would be yours? Let us know!